How to find us: we are at Braces Shooting Ground.

Professional instructor-led clay pigeon tuition and experience days.

How to find us. Braces of Bristol Shooting Ground.

All our clay pigeon events are held at Braces of Bristol Shooting Ground. The address is Braces Shooting Range, Maes Knoll Farm, Norton Lane, BS39 4EZ.

Depending on the direction you travel we advise coming out of Bristol on the A37 Wells Road. Drive along Norton Lane and you will pass Norton Court on your left-hand side.

Important note: please do not drive into Norton Court. Braces Shooting Range is approximately 100 metres further on the right and is marked by two small signs, one of which has JB Equestrian Services and the other, ‘Braces’ and 2 Pheasants on it.

Drive straight through the farmyard, past the horse boxes, hay bales, etc and continue until the end of the track.

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